Tuesday, January 26, 2010

GOING DEAF... (Very funny)

I was in the restaurant yesterday when I suddenly realized I desperately needed to pass gas. The music was really, really loud, so I timed my gas with the beat of the music. After a couple of songs, I started to feel better. I finished my coffee, and noticed that everybody was staring at me.... Then I suddenly remembered that I was listening to my iPod

Posted via email from j's posterous


一位住在台北的老先生在農曆春節前打電 話給他在落杉機的兒子。
"兒子,雖然美 國人不過中國年,但我也真的不想在這個時候破壞你的心情,也不想麻煩你。"
"四十五年來我受夠了,我們現在連看一眼都受不了對方。我不說了,你打個電話去紐約給你姐姐, 我不說了,等會我和你媽就
他姐姐在電話那頭已然火藥庫快炸了,大聲咆哮的說:這兩個人是瘋了還是怎麼樣?離什麼鬼婚,你交給我搞定這二個老 糊塗。
女兒立即從紐約打電話回台北家裡,並 且在電話裡對著老爸大小聲:
"老太婆~~!都搞定了,妳寶貝女兒和兒子明、後天就回來過年了,而且第一次沒有叫我出機票 錢。"

Posted via email from j's posterous

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10

My wife's old Dell is dying, it will give her a blue screen randomly. Thus, we bought a MacBook and the life is just fantastic. So what am I going to do with the Dell?  Instead of throwing it directly to garbage can, I think the blue screen might be caused by windows XP. I probably can use it to install Ubuntu 9.10. 

So I download the Ubuntu 9.10 and it needs just a single CD-R to make the installable CD. The installation is just as easy as you clean install a Windows 7 system to your PC. It needs no more than half hour to install the whole system. The only trouble I had after the installation was the wireless connection. It's just not there. So I Google it and found a very useful link. It just fixed my problem like charm. 

I think the Dell finds its rebirth in Ubuntu, and so far I just love it. By the way, you got Google Chrome for Linux.  Life is beautiful, right?

Posted via email from j's posterous

Friday, January 15, 2010

Windows 7 running in Snow Leopard

Mac, VirtualBox and Windows 7

Just bought a new MacBook for my wife, cus her old Dell is dying.
Mac has a very powerful Snow Leopard on board and with plenty useful softwares built-in (iPhoto, iMovie.. you get the idea). But as a PC user for many years, you just can't ignore that PC did a great job for you even though you may have to face that notorious blue screen. However, Microsoft wasted no time to release Windows 7 last year.  By far it is the best windows system made by Microsoft.
So I want to run both of them on the MacBook. To realize this plan you have to have the tool Virtual Machine. In this case, you don't have to choose which one to boot up your computer, you can have them running side by side. VMware is the biggest name in the market, but after you bought MacBook and Windows 7 the price tag becomes too high.
I read some articles that mentioned about VirtualBox 3.1.2 a free virtual machine from Sun Microsystems and almost all of them gave it a very high praise. Thus, I want to give it a try.
After downloaded it to the Mac, the installation is just effortless. To install windows 7 on VirtualBox was not difficult at all and you have to give Microsoft and Sun some credits. They make our life much easier than a decade ago. Since I elected to install 64-bit version to the virtual machine, I encountered a problem people who installed 32-bit version would never meet. There was no sound for the system.
It took me sometimes to find the solution from VirtuaBox forum. You need to first download the AC'97 audio codecs driver from Realtek. Then installing it to your windows 7 and reboot your computer. Now you should hear the startup sound from your win 7. If not, you'll need to force windows run update.
However, it seems the challenge is not over yet. The screen just stuck at 800x600 resolution. I adjusted several times but I had to jump back and forth to scroll the screen up and down to see the content in the windows system. It's not user friendly at all. The solution is you have your windows system running in the VirtualBox and at Mac's menubar you should see four options from left to right are VirtualBox VM, Machine, Devices and Help. Choose the devices option, you'll see install guest additions and click it. It'll have a download screen in your windows system asking you to download VirtualBox guest additions. Install it after download the program and then follow the instruction the system ask you to do.
 Wala, you have a seamless integration for your windows 7 and your VirtualBox. The system will change your mouse pointer to windows when you hover your mouse over to Windows or give the control back to Mac when you move your mouse pointer away from windows system.
Free is always a good thing, especially you can get a very functional software for nothing. I have to say Excellent Job, Sun Micro.